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Relax for Your Treatments with One of Our Sedation Options

Dr. Nanavati wants you to be comfortable for any type of treatment. Even though he delivers painless injections, some patients still have anxiety even at the thought of the needle or hearing the word “dentist” He offers options to ease the worries of these patients.

Comfortable Anesthesia Delivery, Is This Possible?

In a word, yes! Even if you aren’t nervous about going to the dentist who wants to feel even a little pain? Nobody! We are proud to be one of the first dental practices to employ the very latest in dental technology that helps to eliminate the fear of needles. We use a device that sends gentle vibrations to the area of the injection. The vibrations are picked up by the nerve endings before the sensation of the needle. This essentially eliminates any pain messages and allows us to give you a comfortable pain-free injection. Our patients routinely tell us they “didn’t feel a thing!”

Oral Conscious Sedation

By simply taking one pill just an hour before your scheduled appointment, you will begin to feel relaxed. By the time you are sitting in the dental chair, you will be unaware of your visit, yet able to respond to any questions when asked. This works well both for those with fears and those who need to schedule more work in a single visit.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

We use ‘laughing gas” or nitrous oxide as one of our types of sedation that will let you feel more comfortable for treatments. By simply placing a mask over your nose and mouth, you can easily inhale the medication that will let you relax. We also give a local anesthetic together with the nitrous oxide to eliminate all pain in most cases.

Coming Soon! IV Sedation For Your Complete Comfort

Often referred to as “twilight” sedation, we can ensure a completely comfortable dental visit, which means no pain or nervousness. The treatment will begin and end, and you will not even be aware of the work taking place. We also use this type of sedation to complete all necessary treatments in a single visit.

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