Sportsguards And Mouthguards

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Why are sportsguards important?

When a sport mouthguard is worn (and fits properly) it helps provide protection for the hard (teeth and jaw) and soft (lips, cheeks, gums) tissues of the mouth, by absorbing and redistributing the forces generated by traumatic blows.

Why a “Custom” sports guard?

Custom sport mouthguards are typically regarded as the most protective and comfortable type of guard. Therefore, the athlete is more likely to wear their sports guard. Custom sport guards only fit the athlete it was made for and they are still able to speak quite clearly.

Why not a “boil and bite” or generic sportsguard?

Typically they are uncomfortable, flop around in the mouth, and you must clench to hold them in place. Often you see athletes with their sport guards half in, half out of their mouths.

What sports should require a sportsguard?

Any sport where player contact is commom.The following would be considered a contact sport. Football, boxing, ice hockey, roller hockey, lacrosse, field hockey, rugby, soccer, basketball, water polo, martial arts and wrestling.

Are there any other sports where one requires a sportsguard?

Anyone participating in skateboarding, baseball, racquetball, volleyball, tennis, gymnastics and skiing are all at risk for injury and therefore should wear a sports guard.

The Happy Sapiens Dental team can make a variety of custom fabricated athletic sports guards(size and colour) . The type of sport participated in determines the thickness that is needed for the guard.

Call Happy Sapiens Dental today to book your appointment for a custom sportsguard at Pinehurst: (281) 356-3351 or The Woodlands: (281) 367-3685

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