Missing Teeth?

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Dental Implants Provide a Quality Replacement for Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can cause various problems from bone loss to altered facial appearance. Placing dental implants in your mouth can take care of these problems and provide full functionality for chewing and recapture a beautiful smile. These implants are completely natural-looking as they come up through the gums, just like your own teeth do. No matter if the missing tooth is in the front or back, a dental implant is a viable option.

Denture-wearers can benefit as dental implants are great replacements for dentures. No longer will there be problems with slippage and movement. And they stay in permanently just like natural teeth. We handle the complete process from start to finish, so you will not need to go to another practice. Call us, and let us assess if you are a candidate for implantology with a no-obligation consultation. (Not all people are candidates for implantology.)

Overdentures Give Relief From Denture Problems

Denture-wearers often complain about the problems of slipping, tilting, or sliding when eating. The adhesives available give only a marginal solution to these problems. But Happy Sapiens Dental provides a more reasonable answer to these annoyances.

Overdentures work by using just a few dental implants to anchor your dentures. This locks your teeth into place and eliminates all the common problems of denture movement. When they need to be cleaned, they easily snap off and re-insert. Come in, and let us find out if you are a candidate for overdentures.

Dentures that Fit Like They Are Your Own Teeth

If regular dentures are your best option, Dr. Nanavati can create natural-looking dentures that fit so securely, they won’t slip! With the latest breakthroughs in dental technology, your denture plate will be anchored into place so you can eat and enjoy any kind of food you like. Please ask us how we can add to your quality of life with properly fitting dentures.

Call our Pinehurst dentists or Woodlands dentist today to schedule a complimentary consultation at Pinehurst: (281) 356-3351 or The Woodlands: (281) 367-3685!

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