Dental Implants

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At Happy Sapiens Dental, Pinehurst dentist Dr. Nanavat can provide complete dental implant placement and restoration in our Pinehurst dental office or our Woodlands dental office.

Dental implants are the gold standard for replacing missing teeth and offer a permanent solution to missing teeth. Although you have a number of restorative options for the treatment of missing teeth, none have proven to be as functionally effective and durable as implants.

Advantages of Implant Dentistry

Dental Implants offer a permanent long-term solution to tooth loss. Implants may be used in conjunction with other restorative procedures for maximum effectiveness. For example, a single implant can serve to support a crown replacing a single missing tooth or can be used to support a dental bridge for the replacement of multiple missing teeth. As well, dental implants can be used with dentures to increase stability and improve function. Since the denture is no longer directly sitting on the delicate exposed gums, denture sores are usually non-existent.

The Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants once completed are virtually indistinguishable from other teeth. Implants are typically placed in a single appointment, but afterward, they require a period of osseointegration. Osseointegration is the process by which the titanium portion of a dental implant embeds itself into the bone. An implant takes anywhere from three to six months to embed, anchor, and heal, at which point Dr. Nanavat can complete the procedure with the placement of a crown.

Placement of the Implant:

The dental implant is placed into the jaw in the spot where the missing tooth was. Following this placement, a protective cover screw is placed on top to allow the implant site to heal and the dental implant to anchor (osseointegration). After several months when healing is complete, the protective cover is removed and the permanent crown is placed on top of the dental implant.

Why are Dental Implants Recommended?

Dental implants are anchored into your jawbone, implanted teeth are completely secure and stable. Unlike dental bridges, they are not anchored to adjacent teeth and so do not carry a risk of affecting the structure of your remaining teeth. Also they require no special maintenance apart from your usual dental routine of brushing, flossing and regular dental hygiene cleaning appointments

Implants are suitable for most adults. Prior to booking an appointment for dental implant placement, Dr. Nanavat will complete a full examination and x-rays to ensure that you are a candidate.

Call our Pinehurst dentists or Woodlands dentist today to schedule a complimentary consultation at Pinehurst: (281) 356-3351 or The Woodlands: (281) 367-3685!


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